How to Prep Your Skin for Flawless Makeup: 5 Easy Steps

23 Jul 2024

Whenever you do your makeup, you probably have a dewy, fresh, long-lasting look in mind. But sometimes, as you add the last touches, you realize your face looks kinda patchy, and—thirty minutes forward—you notice the foundation melts like ice cream on a hot day. The culprit? It might be the wrong skin prep for makeup or, well, its absence.

Any makeup stays put longer and looks 2x more flattering on pampered, moisturized skin, so getting your face makeup-ready is as important as tuning a musical instrument before a performance. So today, let’s get into the essential prepping steps for those flake-less, applause-worthy looks!

1. Cleanse Your “Canvas”

Use your cleanser of choice and pat your skin dry. If you use a chemical sunscreen, now is the best time to apply it (because it needs to be absorbed directly by your skin).

Pro Tip: Finding a suitable face wash can be as tricky as bathing a cat, we get it. Some products can dry your skin like crazy, all while promising hydration on the label. With ingredient scanners like OnSkin, you simply scan a product when shopping, see all the ingredients and their effects and quickly check if they suit your skin—takes just a few seconds.

2. Tone It Up

Spray your face with a hydrating mist or apply your favorite toner (skin experts suggest you tap it with your fingers instead of using a cotton pad). With this step, you remove any residue from your face wash, and, more importantly, boost moisture for a smoother complexion.

3. Even More Hydration? Yes, Please!

You guessed it right, now it’s time to slather your moisturizer. If it doesn’t have SPF, wait till it settles in before applying sunscreen (because physical aka mineral sunscreens should go after cream). Now, let your face absorb all the good stuff (and maybe do some light stretching to set an energetic mood).

4. The Last Rule of Skin Prep for Makeup: Prime It 

Now, you’re probably already reaching for your foundation brush, but hold on just a little bit. Want your makeup to survive all the staples of full-glam events—hugs, heat, kisses, and shake-off sessions to Shake it Off? Then primer is your friend. Its beauty is that it creates an additional layer between the foundation and your skin, helping the face and eye products stay put all day long.

Plus, if oiliness, enlarged pores, or redness are among your concerns (samesies!), such products can assist in smoothing out pores, preventing unwanted shine, and even color correction. Think of them as movie assistants that ensure everything is in place before you start shooting!

A little heads-up here: if you’re on the dry side, avoid using primers with silicones as they can “roll” off your face and consider switching to water-based ones instead. (By the way, on OnSkin, you can check if a primer suits your skin’s needs and see if it contains any ingredients that may potentially clog your pores.)

However, if you can achieve radiant and sun-protected skin with skincare alone, primer may not be a must-do step.

5. Seal It Up 

Done with your makeup look and just obsessed with the result? Applying a setting spray is like hitting Save in an essay you poured your heart and soul into—it saves your hard work, keeping your makeup fresh and fixated. You may even want to spray between each makeup step to lock everything in.

Another tiny heads-up: most setting sprays contain alcohol. Though great for sealing the products, it can dry out and even irritate your skin, especially if it’s sensitive and acne-prone. 

Skin Prep for Makeup: the Gist

Are these skin prep for makeup steps worth sacrificing that sweet half-hour you could have spent in bed? No… unless you want your makeup to look just fab! As you see, they are pretty simple:

  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Moisturizing sunscreen or moisturizer followed by sunscreen 
  • Primer 
  • (You, doing the makeup magic)
  • Setting spray after

And voila—you’re all ready for cute Instagram pics and getting tons of compliments! Of course, this sequence of skin prep for makeup isn’t set in stone—tweak the steps to your liking to maximize the final result.

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