Common Skincare Mistakes to Avoid

03 Sep 2024

Skincare can be confusing—between endless product options, conflicting advice, and “miracle” tips from social media, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. In this post, we’re breaking down some of the most common skincare mistakes (and how to avoid them) so you can build a routine that actually works. Ready to give your skin the love it deserves? Let’s dive in!

Skincare Mistake #1: Not Really Knowing What Your Skin Needs

Believe it or not, one of the most common skincare mistakes people make is not knowing what their skin actually needs. Think about it—if you were browsing the aisles of a hardware store, you wouldn’t just grab any random tool, right? You’d first ask, “What am I actually trying to fix?” It’s the same with skincare—if you’re not sure what issues you need to address, you might end up throwing away money on products that do nothing—or worse, make things worse.

First things first: know your skin type (we have a guide for that!). And here’s something people often miss—your environment matters too. Your skin’s needs in a dry, cold place are totally different from those in a hot, humid climate. Even the air inside your home can make a difference. So, before you dive into skincare products, take a moment to really understand what your skin is up against!

Skincare Mistake #2: Not Having Clear and Realistic Goals

Most dermatologists agree that not having clear, realistic skincare goals is one of the most common skincare mistakes. If you’re not sure what you’re working toward, your routine could end up all over the place—and your results might show it. The first step? Pinpoint your main skin concerns. Some might be obvious, but others can be tricky or easy to misidentify if you’re not an expert.

Seeing a dermatologist is a great idea if you want a routine that actually works (and doesn’t just empty your wallet). But if that’s not an option right now, there are some amazing skincare apps out there. OnSkin, for example, has tools that help you build a routine that’s custom-fit to your needs (more on that later).

Once you have clear goals, your skincare shopping will be faster and more effective. Plus, every dollar you spend will feel more like an investment in your health and confidence—not just more products gathering dust on the shelf.

Skincare Mistake #3: Not Using Sunblock! 

We know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but it’s worth repeating: sunscreen is non-negotiable. Seriously, if there’s one thing every skincare expert agrees on, it’s that sunscreen is your skin’s best friend. 

sunscreen mistakes

For those who might still be on the fence, here’s a quick experiment: take a close look at the skin of someone older, like a grandparent. Compare their face or hands—areas that get a lot of sun exposure—to parts usually covered, like their back. Those wrinkles, dark spots, and uneven texture on exposed skin are all signs of sun damage. 

Sunscreen doesn’t just protect against sunburns; it’s your first line of defense against premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer. So, whether it’s sunny, cloudy, or you’re just indoors near a window, make sunscreen a daily habit. Your future self (and your skin) will thank you!

Skincare Mistake #4: Neglecting Your Neck 

Ever notice how some people’s necks seem to age way faster than their faces? It’s a pretty common issue if you skip your neck in your skincare routine. Experts agree: your neck is basically an extension of your face and deserves the same TLC. Any sagging or laxity in the neck area doesn’t just age your neck—it can drag down your whole look and is notoriously tough to fix, even with surgery.

Here’s something else to keep in mind: the skin on your neck is thinner than on your face and has fewer oil glands, which means it’s more prone to dryness and damage. This makes giving it some extra care and protection just as important—if not more—than your facial skin. And let’s not forget: many of us spray perfume directly on our necks, which can cause dryness and irritation and speed up water loss in the skin.

So, if you want a youthful glow that doesn’t stop at your chin, start treating your neck like the VIP it is!

Skincare Mistake #5: Copying Someone Else’s Skincare Routine

We’ve all heard that age-old advice: “If you want to succeed, follow in the footsteps of someone who’s already crushing it.” Great advice… except when it comes to skincare! In the world of skincare, what works wonders for someone else might backfire on you, no matter how flawless their skin looks.

Whether it’s a social media influencer with glowing skin or a friend whose routine you admire, copying their regimen is a risky move. Why? Because your skin is unique, and chances are slim that it’s identical to theirs. They might have a great routine that works perfectly for them, but what your skin needs could be totally different.

So instead of playing skincare copycat, focus on understanding your skin’s needs and building a routine that’s tailored just for you. Your skin will thank you!

Skincare Mistake #6: Trusting Skincare Myths and Anecdotes

We’ve all heard those stories: “My coworker swears by toothpaste for pimples—it cleared them up overnight!” It’s tempting to jump on these tips, but skincare professionals say that basing your routine on anecdotal evidence is one of the biggest skincare mistakes you can make.

Just because something worked for someone else doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. The same goes for skipping a product just because someone said it didn’t work for them or gave them a reaction. Everyone’s skin is different! What causes a breakout or an allergy for one person might be perfectly fine—or even amazing—for you.

Bottom line: trust the science, not the skincare myths. Your skin deserves better than playing a guessing game based on what worked for someone else.

Skincare Mistake #7: Over-exfoliating (intentionally or otherwise)

Exfoliation is a skincare hero when done right, but dermatologists are seeing more and more patients with damage from over-exfoliation. Some people might get a bit too excited with scrubs and acids, but here’s the kicker: you can accidentally over-exfoliate without even knowing it!

Wondering how that’s possible? A lot of serums, cleansers, and toners contain exfoliating acids like glycolic, salicylic, or lactic acid, even if they don’t scream “exfoliating” on the label. If you’re layering these products with your regular exfoliants, you could be doing more harm than good.

The trick is to focus less on flashy marketing and more on what’s actually in the product. But let’s be real—those ingredient lists can look like a science experiment gone wrong, with tiny text and names you can’t even pronounce. If deciphering that feels like a chore, there’s a handy alternative: ingredient scanner apps that break it all down with a quick barcode scan, saving you from ingredient overload.

Skincare Mistake #8: Expecting Instant Results and Giving Up Too Soon

Who doesn’t love instant wins? You invest a little, and boom—results right away! Sadly, skincare doesn’t work like that. Patience is key. Some products—like retinol—can take a few months before you see any real difference. It’s not a quick fix, but trust the process!

And here’s something a lot of us forget: change blindness. It’s that sneaky little phenomenon where we don’t notice gradual improvements in things we see every day—like our own skin. Just because you don’t notice changes doesn’t mean they aren’t happening! Sometimes, it takes a friend who hasn’t seen you in a while to spot the glow-up you’ve been missing.

So before you toss a product aside thinking it’s not doing anything, give it time. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results down the line!

Skincare, Simplified: 3 Game-Changing Benefits of Using Skincare Apps

Navigating skincare can feel like a maze: too much choice, too little time (and no returns)! And while a mismatched outfit might just be a fashion faux pas, using the wrong serum can actually mess with your skin. If skincare shopping feels more like rolling the dice, here’s some good news: skincare apps can make the whole process a lot easier, less stressful, and more efficient (and help you avoid common skincare mistakes we talked about!).  

Here’s how the OnSkin app can help:

  1. Set Skincare Goals: We all know setting goals is key to success, and skincare is no different. OnSkin helps you define clear goals, making it way more likely that you’ll reach them—just like a dermatologist would recommend.
  2. Decode Ingredients: Tired of squinting at confusing labels in the skincare aisle? With OnSkin, you can scan a barcode, snap a photo, or type in a product name and instantly get the full ingredient list. Plus, it’ll flag any sketchy ingredients so you know what’s safe for your skin.
  3. Get Personalized Advice: Not sure what’s best for your skin type? Just share your skin details with OnSkin, and it’ll give you expert-backed recommendations tailored to your unique needs—no guesswork required.

We hope this guide helps you avoid those common skincare mistakes and gets you closer to the healthy, glowing skin you deserve. 

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